It’s no surprise that WMS is a favorite Slot choice for gamblers. The company originally established in 1943 was responsible for the tilt effect on pinball machines.It was not until the early 1990’s that the company began to develop Casino products. They quickly began to explode in the gaming industry and became an instant sensation in land based Casinos.
The international player took quickly to WMS games with the launch of the first online Casino featuring their exclusive software. The first of its kind was JackpotParty Casino and since that time the software has been integrated across many online platforms.
But what is the major attraction for these Slots that set them apart from their competitors? For one, the graphic quality is superior, but it takes more than that to ignite the gambling community. One of the major draws are the themes. Branded Slots like Wizard of the Ox, Lord of the Rings and the Price is Right have the appeal and familiarity players can relate to.
The popularity of some Slots has prompted a series with Zeus and Jackpot Party leading the way with three dynamic versions that captivate its audience. Some of the earlier titles haven’t lost their luster either with Reel’em In and Life of Luxury.
What is more amazing is that WMS Slots are known for having Bonus games that produce zero credits, yet it sustains it’s ever growing popularity. Ask any gambler why they would favor them over most and they will tell you; when a Bonus round does pay, it pays well and is worth the wait.
There has been huge winners over the past year throughout the United States with payouts that are life style changing.
Some of the biggest winners for 2013 happened at Las Vegas Binion’s Casino when a massive $1,859,248 Progressive Jackpot was paid out on Wizard of Oz Ruby Slippers Slot and again the same slot at Cherokee Roland in Oklahoma for $1,023,518. The biggest win of 2013 happened at the New Palace Casino in MS when one lucky player amassed a $7,217,175 Jackpot fortune playing Lord of the Rings –The Fellowship Slot.
Considering the overwhelming amount of big winners it isn’t surprising that players are tolerant of bummer Bonus Games in anticipation of huge profits.
For some, dreams become a reality and WMS Slots have what it takes to make all your wishes come true.
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