The Popularity of Legalized Online Gambling Grows For Americans

In a recent poll: Reason-Rupe 65% of US residents are for the legalization of online gambling with 32% voting against it.

Indiviual states are forging ahead to have their own intrastate legislation programs as the federal legislation are in conflict and in grid lock.

There are two federal legislation bills on the table including online Poker and online Casino gambling that have achieved little results this year to pass.

The American Gaming Association are in favor of online Poker only but is fully aware of the state-by-state initiatives and that legalized gambling is becoming more prevalent.

The independent poll showed that 75% of Republicans are in favor of online poker while Democrats were less in favor at 58%. Support for online gambling was higher among those under the age of 55.

The Reason-Rupe survey took a nationwide poll via telephone interviewing 1011 adults.

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