Coral goes social with Ruby Seven

coralimageUK bookmaker Coral has signed a partnership agreement with Ruby Seven Studios, a social and mobile games developer based in San Francisco, US. 

The partnership is intended to combine Coral’s experience in land-based and online gaming with the knowledge of Ruby Seven Studio’s social and mobile game publishing.

The strategic partnership will allow Coral and Ruby Seven to launch new social gaming slots apps internationally and develop a network of social gaming customers and followers for Coral’s own slots and gaming brands. 

The first app will see Coral’s successful land-based games, The Magician and The Magician Triple Pots, launched within social games alongside Coral’s most recent title Wild Magic and a number of other games.

Mark Kemp, e-gaming director at Coral, said: “With Ruby Seven’s excellent international social gaming experience, expertise and existing customer publishing base, this agreement enables us to take Coral’s own successful UK games innovatively into international social gaming markets.

“Coral now has a strong library and development pipeline of slots and other gaming content to provide customers with our games across all channels including social gaming.”

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