Svenska Spel considers online casino gaming expansion

Lennart Käll, chief executive officer of Svenska Spel, has confirmed that the Swedish national state-owned lottery is considering an expansion into online casino gaming. 

The operator already offers online games such as lotteries, sports betting, bingo and poker, and is now considering the addition of internet casino games.

According to, Käll said the decision to introduce such games fits in with a wider effort to support players with gambling issues.

Käll cited a recent report by Swedish gambling regulator Lotteriinspektionen, which said 20% of the country’s problem gamblers play on websites other than Svenska Spel.

In response, Käll said Svenska Spel offers a safe gambling environment in which the operator could help those that do have a problem.

Käll hopes the new online casino games service will help attract some of those players, which will in turn allow Svenska Spel to both protect them and get them the help that they may need.

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