Dashbet Sportsbook bettor realizes his money is gone

dashbetimageAnother Dashbet Sportsbook victim has filed a payout complaint.

The player has just realized Dashbet went off-line without honoring their payout obligations to players, and has added his name to the list of those owed. Dashbet owes the player €900.

He received a €100 starting bonus and managed to increase his balanace to €900 with the online sportsbook.

The player wrote the following in his letter to Sportsbook Review:

Dashbet Player: “I heard the Dashbet trouble… I was on hospital since 2 month, so im a little bit of late of the news about it. Around 900EUR stuck on my dashbet account. (100 EUR is the start bonus) I’m very happy, if i get back the half amount. Can you help me about it?”

Sportsbook Review reported last week on a similar Dashbet complaint filed by a player who was burned for €130.

SBR advises players to use the sportsbook rating guide and avoid sportsbooks listed on the scam blacklist who have long histories of not paying or slowly paying, as blacklisted online sportsbooks are far likelier to go off-line without paying players.

source : www.sportsbookreview.com

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