Gearan steps down as chairman of New York State Gaming Commission

Mark Gearan has stepped down as chairman of the New York State Gaming Commission (NYSGC) regulatory body.

Upon announcing his decision to members at a meeting yesterday (Monday), Gearan cited growing responsibilities in his full-time job as president of Hobart and William Smith Colleges as the reason behind his decision.

Gearan exits the role despite having only been appointed as chairman 18 months ago.

“I’m happy to think that I helped all of you to advance gaming in the state,” Gearan said at the meeting.

In response to Gearan’s decision to step down, NYSGC executive director, Robert Williams, said: “We are incredibly grateful to chairman Gearan for his dedicated service at the Gaming Commission.

“His tenure has overseen a great deal of progress in gaming regulation and New York State is a better place because of his work.

“While we will miss him at the Commission, we wish him the best in the many other important endeavours he is undertaking.”

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