Afilias commences landrush period for .BET domain

Domain registry operator Afilias has announced the launch of a landrush period for the new .BET internet address.

Announced last month, the domain has been designed for the betting, gambling and gaming sectors.

Registration was initially limited to eligible trademark holders, which had until February 4 to apply for the new address, although this has now been opened up to other operators.

From February 8 to February 12, .BET domains will be available using a Dutch Auction format, with names starting at a maximum price and then lowered in decrements daily as registrants decide at what price point they wish to register.

Afilias will then offer open registration for the new domain from March 3.

Roland LaPlante, chief marketing officer at Afilias, said: “.BET is the ideal internet address for all wagering activities and games of chance both on and offline.

“.BET is the new top-level domain created for the large and growing online betting and gambling community. It is short, memorable, global and ideal for marketing.”

Relate article: Afilias to introduce new ‘dot Bet’ domain name

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