Sachar Gaming takes first multi-games licence in Nagaland

Sachar Gaming has become the first company to acquire a multi-games online licence in the Indian state of Nagaland.

According to the website, the licence covers a wide range of gambling services such as poker, rummy, binary options and virtual sport fantasy league games.

Sachar Gaming is best known for online poker site and rummy-focused

Licensees in Nagaland are required to pay 0.5% of gross revenue tax to the state, as well as an annual fee of INR1 million (€15,400/€14,100) per game or INR2.5 million for a ‘bouquet’ of games for the first three years.

After this initial period, the licence fee rises to INR2 million per game each year or INR5 million for a two-year bouquet option.

Sachar Gaming, which has secured a ‘bouquet’ licence, is the sixth operator to pick up a licence in Nagaland, although the five other companies are only able to offer single games.

PK Jain, head of operations at Sachar Gaming, said: “The licensing regime will also enable us to aggressively expand, market and advertise our games.

“It will also allow us to add newer games and products, which we aim to launch soon.”

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