Youwin Sportsbook Speaks with SBR on Player Complaint

youwinimageSportsbook Review reported earlier in March that a Youwin Sportsbook (SBR rating C+) player filed a complaint against the betting site.

At the time of filing his gripe, the player alleged that his account was sanctioned and closed without a specific reason being provided, and further suggested that a total of €1,900 in unsettled bets were forfeited.

The only specific reason the player claimed at the time that he was told is that Youwin is within their right to close an account in line with their terms and conditions.

SBR noted at the time that while it is true a sports betting website can restrict and close an account as it wishes, funds must be paid and accepted wagers honored absent clear and undeniable evidence of fraud or transaction foul play.

At the time of the player’s complaint, SBR reached out to Youwin management. SBR did not immediately hear back from the betting site, but has since been contacted by a senior member of management who shed new light into the original dispute. It turns out that the player was proven to have multi-accounted and in fact received all winnings to settle his complaint despite the breach of Youwin rules.

In consideration of this new evidence, SBR has determined that the betting site acted within industry standard, and considers the complaint satisfactorily handled.

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