Bristow to lead UK’s new anti-money laundering group

The UK’s new Gambling Anti-Money Laundering Group (GAMLG) has appointed Keith Bristow, former director-general of the UK National Crime Agency (NCA), as its first chairman.

Formed last month, the GAMLG has been created to help improve the gambling industry’s efforts to combat money laundering, with the Remote Gambling Association (RGA) and the Association of British Bookmakers among its members.

Bristow will now take charge of the new group after stepping down as director-general of the NCA last month.

He was the first person to serve in the position with the NCA, following a spell as Chief Constable of Warwickshire Police.

“I have been impressed by the commitment of the gambling industry to tackle money laundering, however, the industry acknowledges that there is more to be done,” Bristow said.

“As chair of the GAMLG, I will work constructively with the industry to continue to drive up standards and, when necessary, robustly challenge current policy and practice.

“By making it even more difficult for criminals to exploit the gambling industry, we will make a real contribution to the protection of UK businesses and communities.”

Clive Hawkswood, chief executive of the RGA, added: “I am delighted that Keith accepted our invitation to become GAMLG chairman; his appointment reflects how seriously we take these issues and, knowing him as I do, there is no doubt that he will very much hold us to account.”

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