Casinos bypass gaming rules using Facebook ads

Maltese casinos and other gaming parlours that are advertising their outlets on social media could be risking their licences, if they are found in breach of gaming promotion rules.

Despite the law prohibiting the advertising and promotion of gaming events and casinos on media not regulated by the Local and Gaming Authority (LGA), Maltese-based casinos and gaming establishments have resorted to using social media websites, particularly Facebook pages, to advertise their products.

The Gaming Act allows casinos and gaming parlours to advertise only in locations frequented by tourists, including airports, seaports, hotels and holiday complexes, yet social media advertising does not seem to fit the bill under the gaming provision.

Even newspapers are prohibited from featuring items that could promote gambling inside a designated parlour or casino: a case in point was the prosecution of MaltaToday for featuring an advertorial on the Dragonara Casino’s restaurant that made a fleeting reference to gaming.

“Online advertising on social media by all licensed land-based casinos and gaming establishments are regulated by the LGA, and the licensees must ensure compliance with the laws,” LGA inspector Charles Cuschieri explained.

In light of the breaches of law being brought to light, Cuschieri argued that, “any possible breaches of the law would be rectified by enforcement action”.

The LGA said that upon the conclusion of investigations, “it will take all the necessary actions as is pertinent to it at law if it is confirmed that the provisions are being breached”.

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