YouTube agrees to block gambling adverts in Norway

The Norwegian Gambling Authority has reached an agreement with YouTube for the video-sharing website to block all adverts from online gambling operators that are not licensed to operate in the Nordic country.

The announcement comes after a year-long investigation by the regulatory body into videos and promotional material being placed on YouTube by such online gambling operators to target players in Norway.

The organisation submitted a list of 122 examples of such material that had been placed on YouTube by marketers for companies that are not licensed in Norway.

The Authority argued that as adverts were in Norwegian, this means they were directly targeted at players in the country.

YouTube agreed with the assessment and will now block such advertising.

“We know from before that YouTube requires content posted on their website must be directed by national laws,” Norwegian Gambling Authority advisor, Steinar Mjøs, said.

“We are therefore satisfied that YouTube has taken the complaint into consideration and blocked videos that are in violation of the lottery law and gambling law.”

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