Betfair’s New Jersey Customers Like Playing on the Loo

Betfair’s New Jersey Customers Like Playing on the LooBetfair’s New Jersey customers come clean on where they like to play games on the mobile phone in a new survey created to raise awareness for the new site

 Where do you spend your time gambling on the mobile phone?

Ask the world’s largest online betting exchange that question and they would be able to give you a fairly accurate answer – well if you live in the UK that is – but what about the rest of the world?

It’s an important piece of information and one reason why Betfair have taken the time to poll their new customers in the state of New Jersey where they recently entered into a partnership with the Trump Plaza to open to the punters occupying Chris Christie’s little patch of grass.

Betfair polled 100 New Jersey residents aged between 21-58 and this is what they had to say.

Leaders of New Jersey business might have to start confiscating mobile phones after 47% of Betfair customers admitted to playing games on their phones during working hours.

41% got their gaming fix whilst ‘commuting’ to work and we all hope that the ‘commute’ didn’t include four tabling a 200nl cash game whilst driving a car.

Families are also affected by the gaming bug with 31% preferring to play their games at the dinner table rather than break into any form of chatter, which according to the statistics would probably be about what slot machine tournament they won when they should have been taking minutes at the team meeting held earlier.

13% of people said they liked to have a little flutter whilst working out at the gym, 5% said they used their mobile phones whilst sitting through boring sermons at their relevant place of worship, and 3% said they liked to gamble whilst taking a bath or a shower?!

42% of people said they liked to play games when having a number two, which creates a whole new meaning to the term “hitting a brick’, and 39% of people said the only thing they like to whip out during bedtime is their mobile phone.

Betfair Celebrate Their Millionth Cash Out

A punter from Leeds has a smile like the proverbial Cheshire cat after a 16p win turned into a £5,000 windfall, after he set alarm bells ringing within Betfair towers as the millionth cash out user on the site.

Jason Parmar, decided to cash out for a 16p profit on his £5 treble of Bayern Munich, Athletico Madrid after Leicester started to struggle when the Foxes went behind against Nottingham Forest.

Parmar pulled the plug on his bet, but his disappointment turned into bliss after a call from Betfair confirmed that he had been awarded a special prize for the honor of being the millionth cash out customer.

“When Betfair Sportsbook first called me, I thought they were ringing to say there was a problem with my account,” said Parmar, “ Instead they told me I was the lucky one millionth Cash Out customer and they were giving me £5,000. I can’t quite believe it – I’m a huge fan of the Cash Out product, and now it’s bought me a holiday.”

The Cash Out option has started to sweep across other bookmakers, and the value for the punter is starting to be realized by all.

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