RGA publishes anti-money laundering guidelines

The Remote Gambling Association (RGA) has published its latest set of guidelines designed to help licensed online gambling operators combat the threat of money laundering.

The second edition of the ‘Anti-money laundering: Good practice guidelines for the online gambling industry’ will help tackle issues such as money laundering and terrorist financing in what the RGA described as a “consistent and effective” manner.

The guidelines cover various key areas including the application of a risk-based approach, due diligence processes and internal controls.

Clive Hawkswood, chief executive of the RGA, said: “Our first edition of these guidelines was well received and, more importantly, provided a useful tool for companies in the online gambling industry. 

“In this edition we have, among other things, sought to anticipate some of the changes that will flow from implementation of the EU’s 4th AML Directive.

“We will keep the guidelines under review so that they continue to reflect any new developments.”

source : www.igamingbusiness.com

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